Saturday, November 24, 2018


There's only one name that has withstood time and the only name above all other names and deserves all the glory!

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Join Evangelist Joel Torres as he brings an encouraging word entitled "Everything Matters". When we face those unexpected things that create issues that can bring us down in life just remember when things concerning and worries you know that everything matters to God that concerns you.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Many will be very surprised what God will do with these midterm elections and others to follow. There are going to be some believers when it comes to their perspective will be wrong because they have lean on and trust on the agenda of man and their expertise as the truth as too what they believe what's best for this nation and globally. But do you know what God is doing in the midst of troubling time? do you know what's God's agenda is for this nation for this appointed time? Now, these are questions I will answer in my next upcoming broadcast called "Heart Reset for Revival" many have put their trust in men materially, and spiritually who's hearts will be exposed if unrighteous taken down. The purpose of God's agenda is about the preparation of Christ's 2nd coming and the power of unity with Isreal.  what you will experience and see tonight will shake up many unless you have been in tune with God's heart and agenda will not be surprised.  Pray and let God reveal to your heart as to what is His agenda is because at the end of the day it's what matters to God because what will happen tonight will not be anyone parties power but God's power. I will go into more depth in my upcoming broadcast "Heart Reset for Revival." So as a minister in Christ, all I can say is pray and get the truth from God Himself and believe me if your serious God will show you in your heart and you will have peace and not frustration that many will experience tonight and the next upcoming days.

God bless, Evangelist Joel Torres